L-04. Transfer Limit of UNI Tokens May Lead to a DoS and Token Loss Risk

Submitted by ro1sharkm, SupaRoutis, Jeffauditor. Selected submission by: ro1sharkm.

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Users who accumulate more than 2^96 UNI tokens may lose their tokens because transfers above that will always revert.

Vulnerability Details

The UNI token contract imposes a transfer limit, restricting the maximum amount of tokens that can be transferred in a single transaction to 2^96 UNI tokens. Any transfer exceeding this threshold will trigger a transaction revert. The contract relies on the balanceOf function to verify the sender's token balance before proceeding with a transfer.
plain text
self.tokenA.safeTransfer(self.withdrawCache.user, self.tokenA.balanceOf(address(this)));
such a transfer will always revert for balances above 2^96 UNI tokens


Users who accumulate more than 2^96 UNI tokens may lose their tokens due to a DOS revert when attempting to withdraw their token balance.

Tools Used


Contracts should always check the amount of UNI being transferred before processing the transaction.